1.800.489.6050 | Fax 314.522.8805 | sales@stroco.com
metal products for the aerospace industryAS9100
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STROCO Manufacturing, Inc. manufactures and assembles shims, brackets, nut plates, terminal boards, cover plates, receptacle strips, and other metal products for the aerospace industry and high precision industries.


We understand your quality needs and the importance of paying attention to detail. STROCO is certified and compliant to the AS9100 quality system.


Experience exceptional delivery! We have onsite personnel that will be assigned specifically to your account to monitor your parts throughout the production process and ensure exceptional delivery through on time arrival.


Take a chance! All it takes is sending us a request for quote to discover our competitive pricing. Our belief is that with ongoing improvement to internal processes our customers can share in the benefits of lower costs. When doing business with STROCO, cost savings will flow down directly to you.


Find out! Become a part of our family and witness a culture that embraces people, change and growth!

Quality Products…Delivered On Time…At the Right Price…With Attention to Your Service Needs from Start to Finish.

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